TPB packing bench

The Treston TPB packing bench is a well-thought-out, safe, and easy all-in-one solution. There is a wide range of accessories and add-ons available for the standard bench package. Designed with ergonomics in mind: all the packaging materials are within easy reach. Increases efficiency, accuracy, safety, and comfort, and facilitates the change of shift for packing staff. Suitable for use in dispatch departments, web shops, and logistics centres.

  • The TPB standard package includes: 2 roll holders, an upper shelf, divider hoops, a perforated panel, an auxiliary shelf
  • Plenty of room to work, and space for packaging supplies and materials
  • Adapts and grows according to needs; 50+ accessories, including a tape dispenser, a label dispenser, and a tool holder box
  • Stepless height-adjustable workbench (650–900 mm) and above workbench add-on (1080–1550 mm)
  • Easy to buy, transport, and assemble
  • Complete the packing environment with carton trolleys, cutters, proper light fixtures, and ergonomic chairs

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TPB packing bench (2)

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Assemble to order product
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Product availability subject to prior sales.

Accessories for TPB packing bench (185)

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Assemble to order product
Make to order product

Product availability subject to prior sales.