Bin and cabinet trolleys

Bin and cabinet trolleys

Trolleys equipped with plastic bins or bin cabinets that can be selected based on own needs.
Additional mobile work surface

Additional mobile work surface

Handy extra work surfaces for workspaces and the MLC mobile workstation. Also ESD protected models.
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Packing trolleys

Handy solutions for the storage and use of packaging materials.
Picking trolleys

Picking and storage trolleys

Easy-to-move trolleys for use in picking and storage. Several models and a wide range of accessories are available.
Workshop trolleys

Workshop trolleys

Robust trolleys for heavy-duty use and demanding conditions. Total load capacity up to 600 kg.
RRT reel-holder trolley

RRT reel-holder trolley

An adjustable trolley compatible with SMD reels. An ESD protected trolley can hold up to 360 reels.

Accessories for trolleys

Ergonomic, light-to-move trolleys make it easy to transport goods and tools around while improving productivity at work. Modular trolleys by Treston come with a range of accessories and can be easily customised for different jobs and working environments. Also with ESD protection.