Think Further Act Greener

Think Further Act Greener

On a journey towards a carbon neutral tomorrow


EN Treston environmental goals infograph
Treston environmental goals



Our long term target is to provide 100% carbon neutral workstations


Treston-we care about planet

We care about the planet

We are the first sustainable wood-based bioplastic storage option provider for industry. In the future we aim to complement all of our regular plastic products with bioplastic alternatives. Treston aims to offer eco-friendly, carbon-neutral alternatives to all fossil-based plastic products and parts. We have set environment as a priority, and we perform actions to save the planet for the future generations. Our high-quality products will last from one generation to another. 


Treston we think about the environment

Think Further - Act Greener

We aim to minimise the environmental strain of our operations as part of a continuous improvement model. We seek to promote environmental thinking within the Group, as well as to increase the consideration of environmental aspects in all decision-making and actions.

The energy and water consumption of our factories is constantly monitored, and adverse effects on the environment reduced through operational optimisation. The heat generated by our machinery is used for heating factory premises. Also our water consumption has decreased considerably over the last few years. The plastic and steel waste generated by us is recycled 100 per cent, and we favour environmentally friendly alternatives when purchasing machinery. Additionally, the metal, plastic, and aluminium parts of our products can be recycled at the end of their useful life.



Take a look at how the story of the BiOX products began



New wood-based renewable material for bins


Think Further Act Greener_BiOX leaf

The carbon-neutral material of Treston BiOX bins is over 90% wood-based renewable material

The carbon-neutral material of Treston BiOX bins is over 90% wood-based renewable material, residue from pulp production process, and cellulose fibres from sustainably managed forests. The quality as well as the look and feel of the bins, remains the same as with traditional plastic bins. Treston also has storage solutions made 100% of recycled plastic.



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